The CHO RO Community of 54 Ethnic groups in Vietnam
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The CHO RO have more than 26,455 inhabitants. A large part of them settles in Dong Nai1 Province and the rest lives in Binh Thuan2 Province. They are also called Do-no and Chau-no. The CHO RO language belongs to the Mon Khmer3 group, close to the Ma and Xtieng languages.
In the past, the CHO RO mainly practised slash-and-bum cultivation. They lived a poor and unstable life. Recently, they have adopted stable cultivation in milpas or submerged fields. Thanks to this, their life has been improved. Animal husbandry, hunting, gathering and fishing are Indispensable activities In the CHO RO people’s life. Basketry and wood article-making are their main handicrafts.
CHO RO women used to wear lungis, men with loincloths and shirts pulled over their heads. In winter they covered with a blanket. Of late they have adopted the Kinh4 style of dress. They can be recognized however because of the dossers on their backs and copper or silver jewelry.
Previously, the CHO RO used to live in houses-on-stilts and access to the floor by a ladder placed at one end of the house. Recently, they have shifted to houses built on the ground. The interior is simple with some gongs and jars which are considered a value. In recent years, many families could buy bikes or motorbikes.
Both patrilineal and matriarchal customs are significant in marriage, the family of the man proposes marriage but the wedding ceremony is always organized at the bride’s house. The man has to come to live in his wife’s house for several years before building a house of his own.
The CHO RO bury the dead in a hollowed-out trunk-coffin. The grave is topped with a semicircular tumulus. Three days after the bunal, the ceremony of opening the grave takes place.
The CHO RO believe that all things have their souls and the spirits are an invisible control which forces man involved in worship and put them under taboos. Most important are the rituals worshipping the gods of the forest and the rice.
CHO RO folklore is abundant. Musical instruments comprise a set of seven gongs, string instruments with bamboo sound-box, flutes. The CHO RO altenative songs are very original.
◊ The COMMUNITY of 54 ETHNIC GROUPS in Vietnam – Section 1.
◊ The BA NA Community of 54 Ethnic groups in Vietnam.
◊ The BO Y Community of 54 Ethnic groups in Vietnam.
◊ The BRAU Community of 54 Ethnic groups in Vietnam.
◊ The BRU-VAN KIEU Community of 54 Ethnic groups in Vietnam.
◊ Vietnamese version (vi-VersiGoo): CONG DONG 54 Dan toc Viet Nam – Phan 1.
◊ Vietnamese version (vi-VersiGoo): Nguoi BA NA trong Cong dong 54 Dan toc anh em o Viet Nam.
◊ Vietnamese version (vi-VersiGoo): Nguoi BO Y trong Cong dong 54 Dan toc anh em o Viet Nam.
◊ Vietnamese version (vi-VersiGoo): Nguoi BRAU trong Cong dong 54 Dan toc anh em o Viet Nam.
◊ Vietnamese version (vi-VersiGoo): Nguoi BRU-VAN KIEU trong Cong dong 54 Dan toc anh em o Viet Nam.
◊ Vietnamese version (vi-VersiGoo): Nguoi CHO RO trong Cong dong 54 Dan toc anh em o Viet Nam.
◊ etc.
06 /2020
1 : … updating…
◊ Source & Images: 54 Ethnic Groups in Vietnam, Thong Tan Publishers, 2008.
◊ All citations and italic textes has been set by Ban Tu Thu –