VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE for Vietnamese and Foreigners – Vietnamese Tones – Section 4
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… be continued for section 3:
Vietnamese is a tonal language, It means that different voice inflections on any word will change the meaning of that word. For example, if you say “ban” with a rising tone, it means “sell” but if you say it with a falling tone, it means “table.” Tone is the central part of a word.
There are five tones in Vietnamese, plus a mid-level non-tone. Press each symbol button below to hear what each tone sounds like, and the name of the tone. Then press the word buttons to hear how one word can be pronounced with all six tones. Underneath is the English translation of each word.

It is time to practice.

How to type Vietnamese on computer

To use Vietnamese on your computer, you need to download Unikey and then choose vietnamese. You also need to follow this rule:
The rest is to follow the normal rule.
Tiếng Việt = T i e e n g s V i e e t j
… continue in section 5 …
◊ VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE for Vietnamese and Foreigners – Introduction – Section 1
◊ VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE for Vietnamese and Foreigners – Vietnamese Alphabet – Section 2
◊ VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE for Vietnamese and Foreigners – Vietnamese Consonants – Section 3
◊ VIETNAMESE LANGUAGE for Vietnamese and Foreigners – Vietnamese Consonants – Section 5
02 /2020
◊ Header image – Source: Student Vietnam Exchange.
◊ Indexes, bold text, italic text in bracket and sepia image has been set by Ban Tu Thu –