104 Version of LANGUAGE WORLD – Vi-VersiGoo original version & En-VersiGoo onset version

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    The website THE HOLYLAND OF VIETNAM STUDIES – holylandvietnamstudies.com uses the Gtranslate1 tool, so Readers can click on each country’s flag – can see on the right top corner of the web’s page – to see the 104 language translations of all content on this website.

GTranslate Flags - holylandvietnamstudies.com
GTRANSLATE help Readers of all the world can see THE HOLY LAND OF VIETNAM STUDIES in 104 language translations

    The website THANH DIA VIET NAM HOC [Thánh địa Việt Nam học] – thanhdiavietnamhoc.com is the original version in Vietnamese. And the website THE HOLY LAND OF VIETNAM STUDIES holylandvietnamstudies.com is the foreign language version in English which is the starter version onset for other language translations around the world. GTranslate can translate currently 104 languages2 and will update the remaining languages soon.

12 /2019


1:  The creator of GTranslate who is Edvard Ananyan – the founder & CEO of GTranslate Inc – also is a young physicist holding Masters degree from Youngstown State University, Ohio, USA. He started his IT carrier in 2006 with an associate programmer position at Netsys JV LLC. In 2009 has been selected as a Google Summer of Code student and worked with Google Inc where he created Working Copy extension for Joomla. From 2010 he has a consulting contract with The World Bank where he is developing Complaints Logging System for project management and anti-corruption purposes. (Source: gtranslate.io)

2: GTranslate has used the Google neural machine translations which are very accurate for popular language pairs. For example statistical translation quality for Spanish to English ranked at 6 out of 10, with 10 being a perfect translation. Human translators generally rank at 8.5 and new neural machine translations hit 8.3. (Source: gtranslate.io)

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