Hanoi – POSTCARDS, FossilIized Heritages – HANOI, TONKIN – French Indochina – Section 1

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By Prof. Assoc. Dr. in Histore HUNG NGUYEN MANH
Collector, Master TRUC SON NGUYEN PHAN

Goverment Palace

   On Oct. 17, 1887, French President signed a degree to establish the Government General of French Indochina. Up to 1891, The Indochi­nese Federation consisted of five territories: Cochinchina, Annam, Tonkin, Laos and Cambodia. Saigon was chosen at first as its capital, and Governor General PAUL DOUMER moved it to Hanoi.

   Palace of Government General of French Indochina has French clas­sical architectural features from the time of Louis XIV. Its construction was completed in 1906.

Goverment Palace, Hanoi, Tonkin - holylandvietnamstudies.com

GOVERNMENT PALACE, Hanoi, Tonkin – French Indochina, 1906 (Source: Hanoi, Postcards, Fossil Legacies, Prof. Assoc. HUNG NGUYEN MANH & TRUC SON NGUYEN PHAN, Publishers Hong Duc, 2015)

Police Station – Hang Trong Street

   In March 1945, Hanoi Mayor under Tran Trong Kim2 Government gave this name to a street that connected Hang Gai Street to Trang Thi street. On this street, there were one of the earliest police posts in Hanoi and therefore it was called Hang Trong Police Post. Embroi­derers, painters and drum makers from far and near opened their shops and studios here and used the name of the street as their trade mark.

Police station, Jule Ferry street, Hanoi, Tonkin, holylandvietnamstudies.com
POLICE STATION, Jule Ferry street (Pho Hang Trong today), Hanoi, Tonkin, French Indochina (Source: Hanoi, Postcards, Fossil Legacies, Prof. Assoc. HUNG NGUYEN MANH & TRUC SON NGUYEN PHAN, Publishers Hong Duc, 2015)

Railways Station

   It is usually called “Ga Hàng cỏ” (Hang Co Station) because it is on the old Hat Co street in Tien My hamlet, Tho Xuong district3. It was ranked among wonders of tl century in Vietnam serving as a landmark in Hanoi town planning in the period from early nineteenth century to 1954. The station on its completion date (1902) was very small and then it was enlarged to encourage the southward expansion of the city. In 1930 the Hanoi-Hai Phong line was opened and followed by the Hanoi-Lao line running over the Hong river by Long Bien bridge4. The Trans- Vietnam line did not come into operation until 1936, thirty years after the birth of Hanoi Station.

Streetcars, Hanoi, Tonkin - holylandindochinecoloniale.com
Streetcars (Indochina Land Corporation 1889), Hanoi, Tonkin (Source: Hanoi, Postcards, Fossil Legacies, Prof. Assoc. HUNG NGUYEN MANH & TRUC SON NGUYEN PHAN, Publishers Hong Duc, 2015)

… updating …

◊  Hanoi, POSTCARDS, Fossil Legacies, Ancient Hanoi – Thang Long – Section 2.

08 /2020

◊ Source: Hanoi, Postcards, Fossil Legacies, Prof. Assoc. HUNG NGUYEN MANH & TRUC SON NGUYEN PHAN, Publishers Hong Duc, Hanoi, 2015.
◊  All citations, italic textes and images sepiaized was set by BAN TU THU – thanhdiavietnamhoc.com.

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